How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv?

How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv? Our taxi service from Sofia to Plovdiv is giving a big freedom and flexibility to our customers. We are proud of very high quality of our service for private transfers from Sofia to Plovdiv
How to get from Sofia to Plovdiv? Our taxi service from Sofia to Plovdiv is giving a big freedom and flexibility to our customers. We are proud of very high quality of our service for private transfers from Sofia to Plovdiv

If you do not own a car or have not rent one already, it doesn’t mean you cannot leave Sofia to explore another dreamed place. In this article you will find a description of three options for getting you to Plovdiv.

# 1 By Bus

# 2 By train

# 3 With Unitrans

# 1 - By Bus – From Sofia Bus Station (address: 100, Princess Maria Louise Blvd., 1202, Sofia, Bulgaria) there are many busses heading towards Plovdiv.

The journey takes about 2 hours and the finish as destination is Bus Station “South” in Plovdiv.

# 2 - By Train - The second option also has its own charm. To get on a train traveling to Plovdiv, you need to get to Sofia Central Train Station (with address: 102 Maria Louisa Blvd., Sofia, Bulgaria.

The journey takes about 2 and a half hours.

# 3 With Unitrans - Our special offer is to take advantage of the services of Unitrans and do something nice for yourself. Your journey will be extremely comfortable, safe and fast. Booking is very easy - go to the site of the company and from there choose for yourself transfer (by email or by phone call), you will be taken from the address you are in Sofia and left to anoptional address in Plovdiv.

To get from Sofia to Plovdiv takes about 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Customer reviews can be found also on TripAdvisor.

Our taxi service from Sofia to Plovdiv is giving a big freedom and flexibility to our customers. We are proud of very high quality of our service for private transfers from Sofia to Plovdiv


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